
Why do we insist that you work with us?


  • simply because SENAKU works with passion and provides services based on knowledge and experience.

  • If you hire a team from SENAKU, you will have special professional personalities who are highly motivated, disciplined, solution-oriented, loyal and focused on your goal, which has been set.

  • SENAKU’s strengths are leadership, teamwork, motivation and a positive mindset. These will be synchronized with your project!


  • A global mindset

  • Experience of construction, engineering, management, technology, innovation

  • Background in diverse projects in various multi disciplinary international environments

  • Collaboration with skilled people


LETS TALK! Get in contact--->


SENAKU's logo has many things to share.

The colors used in the emblem and name are grey, dark blue which are selected to stay for seriousness. Our business approach is based on seriousness.

The font is Neuropolitical by Typodermic Fonts* which displays a sort of thinking from contemporary to futuristic and shows flexibility in the form. The emblem shows a stable ''S' for introducing to SENAKU TEAM and its first value ‘’sustainability’’. The stable form is brought by the bearing fundament of S -simultaneously of SENAKU- which is made by the SENAKU’S in-depth knowledge of fields of expertise. The slight shape of ‘’S’’ transposes to a slight ‘’A’’ by its external borders which reminds us the one of the values of SENAKU TEAM, namely Assertiveness. SENAKU strongly aims for continuous development which is the key for succesful today and future. This is symbolized by the upper part of the ‘’S’’ directing upwards which addresses the future and continuous development.

The whole emblem may also be seen as a microscope which refers to detailed work of SENAKU TEAM and its growth-mindset using developments from science and technology.

The negative space supplements the emblem presenting a turned ‘’U’’ which is the most important and an inseparable part of SENAKU TEAM. This is yoUr solUtion. 

